Then, let’s pair and debug the rest.
I’ve been a Type 1 for 25 years and I feel you: every injection, test, activity is yet another opportunity to screw it up.
Remember the last time you rage bolussed a high and got low as a result? What about the time you ate the entire kitchen to correct a low and skyrocketed—and then rage bolussed?
You tried so many times to reverse-engineer what the hell is going on. Even the exact same things that worked yesterday don’t work today.
They told you that training is good for your diabetes, but forgot to say exercise makes it harder to control blood sugars.
Let’s not mention weekends and days off are even worse than your week days.
No shit, you are exhausted!
Ciao, this is Riccardo. I’ve been a type 1 for 25 years and a web developer for more than 10 years.
I’m here to help you Increase your Time In Range by 10% in six weekly iterations.
As a sofware developer, I like to keep it simple—boring if you will—and diabetes is no exception.
I will send you two goodies:
Are you a doctor?
Nope and I don't play one on the internet. I share the perspective of somebody who has been dealing with type 1 diabetes 24/7 for 25 years.
Nothing that I say constitutes medical advice. Always consult with a real doctor before making any changes.
Be a skeptic. I mean it.
Why are you doing this work for free?
I'm trying to pay it forward and I'm inspired to meet fellow type 1 developers.
How can I support?
Please, share your feedback with me. Even if you are in doubt, share what's on your mind.
I’m using a pump / cgm / glucometer, can I join?
Yep. This is implementation details agnostic.
Are you going to recommend cinnamon, mushrooms, or any sort of herbs?
Nope, I believe in science. But I'm also a pragmatist, so who knows?
Where can I get to know you more online?
Please, head to
How can I talk to you?
Reply to any of the emails you get after subscribing.